Pci ven 102b dev 0533 subsys 3381103c

Это устройство встречается под следующими именами: Matrox G200eR (Renesas) WDDM 1.2, Matrox G200eR (Renesas) WDDM 2.0, Matrox G200eR

Программа DriverPack полностью бесплатна

Устали искать драйверы для ваших устройств?

DriverPack Online автоматически найдет и установит нужные вам драйверы

Compatible ID:

List of driver files that match with the above device in our database.

You are viewing the drivers of an anonymous computer which may be not the same with your current computer. These driver(s) may not work with your computer. Please click on the link below to download, scan and get the correct drivers.

Why do i see many drivers ?
Below is a list of drivers that may be suitable for your device. With the different devices, they can have the same driver , it’s because they all use the same chip manufacturer.

How to select driver?
If you are looking for an update , pickup the latest one. If your driver isn’t working, use the driver having the same OEM with the your laptop/desktop brand name.
Watch this video to see how it works — click here

39,000,000 users helped since 2009

After a decade helping users identify, optimise and update hardware & software, awdit is sleeping.

awdit was the webʼs best driver and software update service. It could rapidly replace missing or outdated latest drivers or software, and computer performance and security.

Why have I landed on this page?

Weʼve recently closed awdit, our app for helping users to make the most of out their computers. This page serves to explain alternatives that weʼd recommend.

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We donʼt receive a fee for recommending these alternatives: theyʼre products that we genuinely think are best-in-class.

Identifying hardware and learning more about components

Our closest direct replacement is Reincubate Lookup, a free hardware identification tool available on the web and as an iOS app.

For PC drivers, you might want to look at DriverPack Solution.

Configuring startup apps, cleanly uninstalling unwanted apps & recovering wasted disk space

Weʼd recommend Cindoriʼs Sensei app for these functions.

Finding software updates

Weʼd recommend relying on the Microsoft Store for Windows, and MacUpdater on macOS.


awditʼs main screen

Browsing devices with driver updates

Freeing up disk space

Searching for software updates

Cleaning the registry

Optimising startup items

How can we help?

Our support team are here to help!

Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM GMT. The time is currently 11:15 AM GMT.

We aim to reply to all messages within one working day.

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Our support is the best in the business — we’ll do our utmost to get your data back, quickly and safely. Check out our fantastic 5-star Trustpilot reviews from customers we have helped.

© 2008 — 2020 Reincubate Ltd. All rights reserved. Registered in England and Wales #5189175, VAT GB151788978. Reincubate® is a registered trademark. Privacy policy & terms. We recommend 2FA. Built with in London.

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